Открытый урок по английскому языку по теме «Trains», 9 класс
Открытый урок по английскому языку по теме «Trains», 9 класс
The date:
The theme of the lesson: Trains
Aims of the lesson:
1) Educational: to enrich the vocabulary by learning new words
2) Developing: to develop the pronunciation by discussing, reading
3) Bringing-up: to interest to learn English
The type of the lesson: presentation
Methods of teaching: training, explanation, demonstration, interaction
The equipment of the lesson: diagrams on the tasks, pictures, posters, computers
I. Organization moment:
Greeting pupils
Who is on duty today?
What date is it today?
What day is it today?
Who is absent?
II. Checking up of the home task.
III. Repeating
IV. Presentation of the new theme
Comfortable – комфортный, удобный
Come in time – прибывать вовремя
Expensive – дорогой
Crowded – переполненный
Quick – быстрый
Travel – ездить
Railway – железная дорога
Route – маршрут
Luxurious – роскошный
Carriage – вагон
Traveler – пассажир, путешественник
Journey – путешествие
Enjoy – наслаждаться
Reliable – надежный
High-speed – высокоскоростной
V. Knowledge practice
1. Complete the table. Which statements are true for train?
Transport: Taxi
a. They are comfortable.
b. They usually come in time.
c. They are expensive.
d. They are often crowded.
e. You have to wait long.
f. They are quick.
g. It`s an enjoyable way to travel.
h. It`s a safe way to travel
Transport: Train
a. They are comfortable.
b. They usually come in time.
c. They are expensive.
d. They are often crowded.
e. You have to wait long.
f. They are quick.
g. It`s an enjoyable way to travel.
h. It`s a safe way to travel
2. Read the texts.
Text A.
The Orient Express
Georges Nagelmackers, a Belgian businessman, had a brilliant idea. He wanted to make a new railway line from the Northwest of Europe to Asia by joining several European lines together.
For many years he spent his own money on plans for a new route. He visited America and liked their trains, especially luxurious Pullman carriages.
After buying beautifully furnished sleeping cars and a restaurant car he started his company.
Among the travellers of the train`s first journey in 1883 there were members of European Royal families, other famous people and journalists.
Politicians, diplomats, businessmen and other rich and famous people enjoyed travelling on the Orient Express. The Orient Express. The Orient Express made its last journey in 1977. It had to stop because travelling by air became so much cheaper.
True or False
1. Georges Nagelmackers is an English businessman –
2. He visited America and liked their buses –
3. On the first train`s journey in 1883 there were businessmen –
4. Politicians, diplomats, businessmen travelled by the Orient Express –
5. The Orient Express made its last journey in 1883 –
6. The Orient Express had to stop because travelling by air became cheaper –
Find words in the text for:
1. people who are occupied in politics,
2. a person who speaks for his country
3. people who work in business,
4. people who build,
5. people who write for TV and newspapers,
6. king`s family.
Text B.
High-speed trains
Nowadays because of new technologies travelling by train became faster and more reliable. Several European countries are using high-speed trains. In France the new TGV (Trains a Grande Vitesse) travels at the speed of 200 miles an hour. British people are looking forward to travelling on the APT (Advanced Passenger Train) which will soon be travelling between the main cities at the speed of 160 km an hour.
West Germany too, is working on a new train, the Transrapid. This new train travels on one rail at a maximum speed of 250 miles an hour.
Match the words
1)Brilliant a)people
2) railway b) Express
3) Royal c) train
4) Orient d) speed
5) famous e) line
6)by f) idea
7) high g) family
Complete the sentences
1. He visited ………………………………………………………………
2. It had to stop ……………………………………………………………
3. Several European ……………………………………………………..
4. West Germany too, ……………………………………………………
VI. Control of understanding
VII. Conclusions and mark
VIII. Home task. Ex.10 page 125 to translate
Thank you for lesson. You may be free, good bye.